Catching up!!! This is all from ages ago with Bugati, Ferrari, and Lamborghini (HEART). There are so many more beautiful photo to come that later I would probably just post another CONTI. for this chapter.
Because the visits were so long ago, I honestly could not remember what was said during those day. Hopefully the photos will remind me of some important notes (more likely to be strange, out of the ordinary, awkard notes than normal sophisticated once.. but hey.)
So befor making bike, Bugati actually made type writers, calculator, radios etc, boring stuff, so I'm glad they transfered their expertise to super bikes.
One a racing bike back in the day, because they didn't have this meter, that meter and the other meters, for example during the race, the rider actually has the lean on the side to check for their fuel on this transparent side bar. Imagine how dangerous it would be!
And the this sponge ball inside a tennis ball with water is used to clean the wind screen and their helmets during the race if it got too dirty and covers up their sight. (I DIDNT HAVE TIME TO CHANG TO FOCUS BEFORE TAKING THIS PHOTO...I KNOW!!!) Just by looking at the wheels you will probably figure out what kind of track this bike is for: ICE.
Bikes that attended the racing (forgot which one -_-!) during that specific year.
And NOW, we come to the grand Ferrari! First up is the first offical Ferrari ever! The red is a bit different, not because of the lighting or anything, but because this is actually the real Ferrari red back then. But after a while it was changed to the red we see now.
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